20 Something

Girl, while you’re young live your life and have fun,

Date and explore your options when the time is right God will send the one.


Take that trip with your girls, create memories with your friends,

And waiting until you’re financially stable to have babies is what I would recommend.


Learn to love yourself so that you’re okay with being alone,

Never go looking for trouble, what I really mean is never check a man’s phone.


Finish college, learn a trade, get a hustle, stay on the grind,

Cherish the ones who love you because genuine people are hard to find.


Develop standards, don’t bend, be confident, and aware,

Remember having a pretty face is common, but a beautiful heart is rare.


Drink your water, mind your business, be authentic, no frontin,

Hold your own, be independent because the world owes you nothing.


Always remain humble, you can make a statement without stuntin,

Whatever you do live life to the fullest, you won’t always be 20 Something.


Pro Black


Clueless AF