Makevia Douglas Makevia Douglas

The Goalden Year

New Year but the same me,

More money, bigger goals, less drama, and living stress free.


Goodbye 2021 and hello 2022,

This is my year for greatness, I got big shit to do.


No more dwelling on the past and everything that went wrong,

My main focus is staying focused and finishing the year off strong.


Next year I vow to walk by faith and let go of all of my fears,

Love, Blessings, and Peace to all as we enter into The Goalden Year!

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Makevia Douglas Makevia Douglas

“Does The Village Still Exist?”

Life was different back in the days,

You really didn’t have to worry about your kids being poorly raised.


Nowadays, it’s too much disrespect,

Then the parents trust to be mad when you put their kids in check.


They’re all having sex and they all want to be gay,

What happened to the times when children wanted to go outside and play?


Is it peer pressure? Social media? Or are the parents to blame?

Society got these babies thinking that its uncool to be lame.


Little girls with STDs and little boys in jail for murder,

In my grandparent’s generation this shit was unheard of.


Grades are slipping but the dress code is on point,

All they know how to do is cuss, fight, and roll joints.


My kids, your kids, I want to help them all,

I want to show the youth that its more to life than rapping and ball.


Whether its mentoring or teaching, let others assist,

Because everyone is starting to wonder Does The Village Still Exist?

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Makevia Douglas Makevia Douglas

Passion Vs. Career

Getting up every morning to go to a job that you hate

Working 12 to 14 hours instead of the usual eight.


Dealing with nasty coworkers and their fucked-up ways,

Biting your tongue and walking on eggshells just to make it through the day.


Getting paid every 2 weeks but after insurance and taxes,

It’s barely enough for the bills and your bad eating habits.


You have a vision and a dream but you’re afraid to make that move,

The sacrifice has to be worth it because you can’t afford to lose.


Hair? Nails? A boutique? Or real estate?

This plan could really work if you just took a leap of faith.


Don’t worry about the support from your family and your friends,

They’ll get on board later when you become a trend.


Be optimistic and consistent, everything will work in your favor,

Strive to be your own boss if you can’t do that 9 to 5 labor.


The key to success is to believe in yourself and shake that fear,

Because everything is on the line when its your Passion vs. Career.

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Makevia Douglas Makevia Douglas

Modern Day Faith

Faith is confidence, faith is trust,

Faith is believing that the Lord will look out for us.


Faith isn’t always pretty, there is an ugly side,

Its in these scary moments you must know that God will continue to provide.


When life starts to get hard and your faith begins to waiver,

Don’t give up, instead ask for grace, mercy, and favor.


Go back to your roots, and all the lessons you were taught,

Think about all the victories you’ve won because your battles were already fought.


Faith without work is dead so remember you have to do your part,

Your intentions should always be pure and genuine when you say, “God knows my heart”.


No matter your religion, your opinion, or your take,

Were all on this spiritual journey together with todays Modern Day Faith.

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Makevia Douglas Makevia Douglas

Are You Really Grown At 18?

Mama I’m not ready for the real world please let me stay,

To you I might be grown but to the streets I’m fresh prey.


Yeah, I know some things but I feel like it’s a lot more,

Before you push me out the house and permanently close the door.


The clothes and shoes, the jewelry, phones, and whatever else you bought,

Don’t make up for the valuable life lessons that I was never taught.


I don’t know how to properly save money, but I can cook and clean,

Shouldn’t I be allowed to stay here a little while longer until I figure out my dreams?


I work and bust my ass to help you pay your bills,

I’m not pregnant or on drugs and that’s not enough for you still?


You’re putting me out with no knowledge, advice, or even a plan,

Then you have the nerve to say, “When I was your age I had my own place and a man”.


Teach me something, damn get me ready for the world,

Don’t coddle your son and neglect your baby girl.


You may think you did a good job, or however you want to make it seem,

But seriously tell me, Are You Really Grown At 18?

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Makevia Douglas Makevia Douglas

The Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray for a man who is mine to keep.


Who is loving and caring, compassionate and sweet,

Who is strictly for me and not for the streets.


Who will keep me sane and bring me peace,

He’s a beast in the sheets but honestly that’s the least.


At this point in life, I’m not looking for a freak,

Can he make love to my mind? Now that will make me weak.


I’m praying for a hard worker, a provider, and a protector,

If a chick gets wrong, out of respect for me he gon correct her.


I need a man who isn’t afraid to say we’re together,

And when things get shaky, he’s willing to storm any weather.


Masculine and strong, Lord send me a big stepper,

Who adds value to my life and strives to make me better.


God, I ask for a man who doesn’t mind calling out your name,

While I’m giving you all the praises, he’s doing the same.


I’m asking for someone who is quick to communicate and slow to place blame,

Lord make him patient and understanding because I need this attitude tamed.


Make him family oriented, so I’m comfortable bringing him home,

And if I can get specific, can he be 6 ft tall, with nice teeth, and a dark skin tone?


Who will acknowledge my rights but also check me when I’m wrong,

Who will give me constant reassurance and let me know this is where I belong.


We can talk about anything, he’s my homie, lover, and friend,

I ask that he keeps me laughing and smiling so I’m constantly wearing a grin.


I want a love so real and true that it’ll never ever end,

In the meantime, allow me to work on myself until you send my husband, Amen.



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Makevia Douglas Makevia Douglas

Health Is Wealth

You are what you eat, you are what you drink,

You are what you consume, you are what you think.


The key to longevity and living a long time,

Is being mindful of your health and not ignoring the signs.


Diabetes, cancer, strokes, and heart attacks,

Are killing us all but its more common in blacks.


See our problem is, we like everything smothered and fried,

Do you really want people to say, “eating poorly is why she died”?


Let’s not forget high blood pressure and high cholesterol,

Also, not getting enough sleep, smoking cigarettes, and drinking alcohol.


Dieting and exercising should be our top priority,

Going to the doctor regularly is a must as a minority.


Stop being negligent and take care of yourself,

Let’s teach the kids that Health Is Wealth.

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Makevia Douglas Makevia Douglas

Outgrowing Friends

Homies can turn into enemies, friends can turn into foes,

What do you do when you’ve reached a point for that friendship chapter to close?


When your day 1 is no longer your sister and you can’t stand to be around,

When you just need your girl to be there and she constantly lets you down,


When it’s obvious you’ve outgrown each other but the history keeps you acquainted,

What do you do when the bond is broken, and the trust is now tainted?


Did she share your secrets? Tell lies? Or steal money out your purse?

Did she post subliminally on Facebook then say “girl I was only quoting a verse”?


It’s possible to grow apart, you don’t always need a reason,

Everyone in your life serves a purpose even if it’s only for a season.


Sometimes you can fix it, talk it out and make amends,

And other times, it is what it is, but that’s what happens when you’re Outgrowing Friends.

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Makevia Douglas Makevia Douglas

Pro Black

High yellow, red bone, caramel or dark skin,

It don’t matter your complexion I want all my folks to win.


Being black is an honor so I rock my roots like a badge,

Yeah they’ll call us niggas but turn around and steal our style and swag.


Were the strongest race alive, we’ve overcome a lot of shit,

Being tortured, enslaved, and raped, who knew people could be so sick.


They can’t take our resilience so they try to hold us back,

Then holler words like “fearful and intimidated” to excuse their hateful attacks.


But we still manage to walk around with a smile and a high head,

We’ll never give them the satisfaction, were doing this for the ancestors that’s dead.


So don’t hate me for my power, my culture, and the melanin that you lack,

If I had to choose between them or us I’ll always choose Pro Black.

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Makevia Douglas Makevia Douglas

20 Something

Girl, while you’re young live your life and have fun,

Date and explore your options when the time is right God will send the one.


Take that trip with your girls, create memories with your friends,

And waiting until you’re financially stable to have babies is what I would recommend.


Learn to love yourself so that you’re okay with being alone,

Never go looking for trouble, what I really mean is never check a man’s phone.


Finish college, learn a trade, get a hustle, stay on the grind,

Cherish the ones who love you because genuine people are hard to find.


Develop standards, don’t bend, be confident, and aware,

Remember having a pretty face is common, but a beautiful heart is rare.


Drink your water, mind your business, be authentic, no frontin,

Hold your own, be independent because the world owes you nothing.


Always remain humble, you can make a statement without stuntin,

Whatever you do live life to the fullest, you won’t always be 20 Something.

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Makevia Douglas Makevia Douglas

Clueless AF

Society puts so much pressure on us,

The world today is driven by sex appeal and lust.


Social media has everyone in a frenzy,

Most of the women my age are foolish and dick dizzy.


We’re old enough to drink but not old enough to retire,

Even though we come from the bottom the goal is much higher.


High school was a waste and working is a joke,

You better start saving your money now so you don’t die broke.


The economy sucks and the housing market is outrageous,

Make sure to surround yourself with winners because that bum shit is contagious.


Right now how I’m feeling happily ever after is a lie,

And although nobody can afford kids the Bible tells us to be fruitful and multiply.


Its hard to keep the faith in a world filled with hate,

Malcolm X told us they don’t care about blacks, now we see it and its too late.


Make sure you stay healthy, not just your body but your mind and soul,

And be careful who you trust because people tend to fold.


Life can get hectic, so pray for me and I’ll pray for you,

As we go along on this journey, living Life Without A Clue.

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