Outgrowing Friends

Homies can turn into enemies, friends can turn into foes,

What do you do when you’ve reached a point for that friendship chapter to close?


When your day 1 is no longer your sister and you can’t stand to be around,

When you just need your girl to be there and she constantly lets you down,


When it’s obvious you’ve outgrown each other but the history keeps you acquainted,

What do you do when the bond is broken, and the trust is now tainted?


Did she share your secrets? Tell lies? Or steal money out your purse?

Did she post subliminally on Facebook then say “girl I was only quoting a verse”?


It’s possible to grow apart, you don’t always need a reason,

Everyone in your life serves a purpose even if it’s only for a season.


Sometimes you can fix it, talk it out and make amends,

And other times, it is what it is, but that’s what happens when you’re Outgrowing Friends.


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