Are You Really Grown At 18?

Mama I’m not ready for the real world please let me stay,

To you I might be grown but to the streets I’m fresh prey.


Yeah, I know some things but I feel like it’s a lot more,

Before you push me out the house and permanently close the door.


The clothes and shoes, the jewelry, phones, and whatever else you bought,

Don’t make up for the valuable life lessons that I was never taught.


I don’t know how to properly save money, but I can cook and clean,

Shouldn’t I be allowed to stay here a little while longer until I figure out my dreams?


I work and bust my ass to help you pay your bills,

I’m not pregnant or on drugs and that’s not enough for you still?


You’re putting me out with no knowledge, advice, or even a plan,

Then you have the nerve to say, “When I was your age I had my own place and a man”.


Teach me something, damn get me ready for the world,

Don’t coddle your son and neglect your baby girl.


You may think you did a good job, or however you want to make it seem,

But seriously tell me, Are You Really Grown At 18?


Modern Day Faith


The Prayer