“Does The Village Still Exist?”

Life was different back in the days,

You really didn’t have to worry about your kids being poorly raised.


Nowadays, it’s too much disrespect,

Then the parents trust to be mad when you put their kids in check.


They’re all having sex and they all want to be gay,

What happened to the times when children wanted to go outside and play?


Is it peer pressure? Social media? Or are the parents to blame?

Society got these babies thinking that its uncool to be lame.


Little girls with STDs and little boys in jail for murder,

In my grandparent’s generation this shit was unheard of.


Grades are slipping but the dress code is on point,

All they know how to do is cuss, fight, and roll joints.


My kids, your kids, I want to help them all,

I want to show the youth that its more to life than rapping and ball.


Whether its mentoring or teaching, let others assist,

Because everyone is starting to wonder Does The Village Still Exist?


The Goalden Year


Passion Vs. Career